High speed connection

LG Meisner lmeisner at ns.sympatico.ca
Tue Nov 7 23:37:29 UTC 2006

Hello all,

I need some help on the subject matter when it comes to connect to my 
Internet service using Ubuntu operating system.

I installed Ubuntu 6.06 LTS on my PC and must admit that the crisp look 
of the system was impressive. However when I tried to configure my high 
speed connection, all I get is it is not supported???

My present Internet service "Aliant Telecom" from Nova Scotia, Canada 
requires that I install connection software from an installation disc. 
Once loaded, I  connect via hi speed using Windows 2000.

I called my Internet supplier and they informed me that they do not 
support Linux software. Does anyone out there know of a way to connect 
to hi speed, or am I doomed to use Bill Gates' products forever?

Thanks for any help I can get......



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