kubuntu [edgy]: patched kopete debs for aim/icq connection problems found

Noah Dain noahdain at gmail.com
Tue Nov 7 20:44:22 UTC 2006

suddenly started having problems connecting to aim via kopete last
week or so.  Seems a lot of other people have been having the same
problems.  A patch was posted for an icq error and that appears to
have fixed the aim issue as well.

bug report: http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=136566

 kopete (4:3.5.5+kopete0.12.3-0ubuntu3) edgy-proposed; urgency=low
   * Edit kubuntu_04_icq_connect_fix.diff
     Upstream changed the fix to not only allow connections with status set to
     Online. Now one can connect with other statuses, for example Away.

I just downloaded and installed the .deb for edgy.  not sure if other
updates are required for dapper.


Noah Dain
"I don't want to make toys, I want to be a dentist!"

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