ubuntu-users Digest, Vol 21, Issue 280

David Armour d.f.armour at shaw.ca
Wed May 24 20:24:35 UTC 2006

> Subject:
> Re: [Newbie] ubuntu's update-manager???
> From:
> Mario Vukelic <mario.vukelic at dantian.org>
> Date:
> Wed, 24 May 2006 19:16:29 +0200
>> i'm using dapper beta flight 
>> the boilerplate text under "you can install X updates," 
>> however, leaves unanswered: what's recommended? all of them? if not, 
Have you tried to read the help available from the bottom-left button?

thank you for your reply. yes. i had read the help. sometimes, for me at 
i find i often have more questions at that point. thank you for your 
and your suggestions. i could certainly help by hiring myself out to field
test documentation! :c) not sure if my uncertainty merits a bug report, 
>> 2. when update manager says it's  ...downloading 43 of 81files? (...  26 
>> m17s remaining) ??? ...with a 53.1Mb download size.... and it does stuff 
>> greater or lesser than this EVERY day, what's up with that?
> It seems to me that your questions mostly stem from the fact that you
> installed the BETA of Ubuntu 6.06 (Dapper Drake). 6.06 is still in
> development, and will be release in June. Because development is
> ongoing, the developers change packages all the time, which subsequently
that makes sense. i certainly don't mind applying the changes, as a rule,
especially if they add value to an already valuable distribution. my newbie
uncertainty tends to make it harder for me to accept things just working
out. i don't have the experience, despite several years in ms-land, to hang
a calmer attitude on. i've been favourably impressed with ubuntu though.

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