Quit... bypasses the logout dialog

Chris Neary hello at poetofcode.org
Wed May 24 19:15:00 UTC 2006

Bear in mind I'm not using Dapper (yet!), but in Hoary and Breezy and pretty
much any distro, killing Gnome without running GDM simply kills the X
session once Gnome has exited.

Make sure you're running GDM (needs to be run as root). It may have become
broken somehow, and will no longer load - check the log files in
/var/log/gdm maybe?

Try this:
System -> 'Quit'.

At the terminal prompt you're returned to, type:
sudo gdm
(provide your own password)

If you get a login prompt - there's nothing wrong with GDM. If you're
returned to the login prompt without needing to type the command, or don't
even SEE a text prompt, then - I've no idea. Possibly a bug.

All the best,

On 24/05/06, Michaël Van Dorpe <michael.vandorpe at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello all!
> I've seen screenshots of a window with logout options. However, the only
> relevant item in my System menu is "Quit...". Pushing this button logs
> me out immediately. Adding the Quit... button to a panel and clicking it
> does the same thing.
> Why can't I see a GUI way of shutting down or restarting (without first
> logging out)?
> - /apps/panel/global/upstream_session is disabled
> - my Dapper is completely up to date
> I have filed a bug report* for this a week ago, but since I could also
> use a workaround for this problem, I thought the mailing list could
> bring some help...
> Thank you!
> Michaël Van Dorpe
> http://hwdb.ubuntu.com/?xml=f2a08dd83a06676d52196b47d70a7eff
> * https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/45587
> --
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