Is it wise to upgrade to Dapper (Kubuntu) now?

Joe(theWordy)Philbrook jtwdyp at
Thu May 11 13:46:31 UTC 2006

Hash: SHA1

It would appear that on May 10, Matt Zimmerman did say:

> On Thu, May 11, 2006 at 07:47:13AM +1000, Anthony David wrote:
> > On Wed, May 10, 2006 at 09:57:02PM +0200, Guido Heumann wrote:
> > > I recently learned that the method of changing sources.list and using
> > > aptitude for dist-upgrade is no longer recommended. More info on this
> > > directly from mdz in the sub-thread starting here:
> > > 
> > >
> > 
> > Its only failing is that it needs to run under X.
> Server systems tend to have far fewer packages installed, and so the
> upgrades are simpler (and usually handled adequately by apt-get or
> aptitude).  However, the upgrade system used by update-manager is modular
> and has the capability to have a text-mode frontend added to it.

What about kubuntu systems???

Is there a KDE method of upgrading from Breezy to Dapper that is
more than just "adequate" for "Server systems" ??????

# Yes I know I could bring this up in the kubuntu-user group, but since
# the ubuntu-user group is where I found a current thread discussing why
# apt-get isn't recommended for this anymore, I figured I'd start here

My kubuntu breezy system is as up to date as apt-get is willing to do,
but "which update-manager" yields nothing, and the closest thing I can
find in the menu is: System -> System Update Wizard (Adept-Updater)

Also the link in this thread"
specifies using update-manager (with the "-d" switch  Is there an
equivalent for this to get the kde updater "to consider pre-release
versions" ???? I ask because while "which adept-updater" yields
/usr/bin/adept-updater, "man adept-updater" yields nothing...) 

I also strongly dislike point and click interfaces for admin tasks
(though interactive scripts with text mode menus are often better for me
than terse cli methods...)

And in fact I've never been comfortable with making any major system
changes with the gui running... If it was still more than just
"adequate" for "Server systems", I'd plan to run apt-get dist-upgrade
from a virtual console (AFTER a clean reboot & BEFORE running startx)
so I really hope that text-mode upgrading isn't being abandoned for
non-servers with "less than expert" owner/admins (who maybe don't know
what to fix after using a method that is now only recommended for server

Any recommendations?????



   #gpg sig for: Joe (theWordy) Philbrook DSA key ID 0x6C2163DE#
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|      ?           ?		
|        -=-   -=-	 I'm NOT clueless...    	
|        <?>   <?>    	But I just don't know.  	
|            ^          Joe (theWordy) Philbrook           
|           ---  	     J(tWdy)P
|			  <jtwdyp at> 
|      ?           ?		

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