hardwareconfiguration 30ac93365ea47d8c2f82cbda090fa8cb (satellite 4100XCDT)

Sander Derksen sanderderksen at gmx.net
Sun May 7 08:11:56 UTC 2006

Dear all,

I am new to Ubuntu and I send the configuration before I was ready.
Using a Toshiba Satellite 4100XCDT.
For the laptop to show on the complete screen (it only used 3/4 of it
after default install and then only at 800x600) I had to change the
settings of the monitor to have it run on the whole screen in 1024x768:
HorizSync	31.5-50
VertRefresh	50-70

The screen section was altered to:
DefaultDepth	16
and at that section the mode 1024x768 was selected

I added (when reading through other's experiences) to the device
Option	"accel"
but I cannot see or test whether this has helped.

Hope this helps anyone else with this laptop.

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