request to the archive webmasters

Andreas Jellinghaus aj at
Sun May 7 10:33:16 UTC 2006

I have no idea how to reach the archive webmasters,
please help me in sending him this request:

please put IndexOptions FancyIndexing VersionSort NameWidth=*
into the apache.conf. (i.e. add "NameWidth=*" to the "IndexOption).

if you manualy browse the archive with a web browser, the automatic
generated index contains the filename trunctated to a fixed with. that
way it is often hard to see the file you want, as the version and / or
architecture is truncated. here is an example link:

with NameWidth=* the name will not be truncated and browsing the file
archive will be much nicer. it would be very nice if you could enable
this option on all ubuntu archive servers.

this might not be the best place for such a request. if you know hte
correct email address or any other better place for such a request,
please let me know.

Regards, Andreas

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