Lexmark printer install

James Gray james at grayonline.id.au
Wed Mar 29 20:50:00 UTC 2006

On Thu, 30 Mar 2006 12:10 am, singlecell wrote:
> I have a Lexmark E120N network printer attached to my local network, but
> can't find a way to use it under breezy or dapper.
> Gone through the add printer option many times, but cannot find a
> Lexmark printer selection that works with the E120 (there's no E120
> either).

I have a Lexmark E232 Laser which I drive with the "Optra E/ljet4" CUPS 
driver.  Works a treat :)

> I can see the printer's config web page via browser, and one of the
> Lexmark drivers I tried caused the printer to output junk, so the
> printer is accessible from the Ubuntu machine. The printer works from
> Windows machines.

Ok - so you can reach the printer on the network, you're just having problems 
getting valid output?  See above.

> I've actually tried installing the Debian drivers from the
> manufacturer's website, but they don't appear in list of printers. The
> "have drivers" option in the add printer dialog is also looking for a
> file type not available in any of the manufacturers Linux drivers.

You're brave!  I tried the Lexmark drivers too...I found pretty quickly that 
they sucked.  I couldn't even rip out the PPD file for CUPS or anything nice 
like that, so I gave them the flick.  Then I went over www.linuxprinting.org 
(I'm offline...you may want to check that URL with google).  There's plently 
of info there about what does and doesn't work.  That's where I faound all 
the good reports about the E232 with the "Optra E/ljet4" driver.

> Any ideas what I can try? How do I re-package the Debian drivers for
> Ubuntu (and how do printer drivers get added to the distribution anyway)?

Well, I hope the pointers I given solve your problem.  Good luck :)


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