ubuntu burn-in for new computer?

taeb taeb at netins.net
Wed Mar 29 20:24:37 UTC 2006

On Tue, Mar 28, 2006 at 11:42:58AM -0500, Scott J. Henson wrote:
> There are several ways to do this.  There used to be a package in debian


Thanks to Scott and others for the suggestions, which I will follow-up
on.  Before I do I figured I'd better install some temperature
monitoring software so I can see how I'm doing.  I'm running the 2.6
kernel, so I thought all I needed to do was install the gnome applet  --
can't think of the name right now -- that displays temperatures and fan
speeds, and I'd be ready to go.  When I did that it said something like:
no sensors found.  Either I've done something wrong, not done something,
or my processor is not supported.  I've got a P4-630 cpu on a D945PS
mobo.  The Intel world is new to me, so I don't really know what I'm
doing here.  Any pointers or comments would be appreciated.  Also, does
anyone know what sort of temperatures I should expect to encounter?

Thanks again for the help.


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