Creative Commons cafe - looking for music player software

Sean Hammond sean.hammond at
Wed Mar 29 13:12:58 UTC 2006

Okay, so there is a cafe here in Edinburgh, The Forest
( The forest includes a space for
independent musicians to record, perform and sell their music, and the
cafe plays only non-copyright music from these musicians and
downloaded from creative commons sources.

The cafe plays music from a computer that is connected to a projector,
they would like to be able to display information through the
projector about each song as it plays - artist, album, how much you
can buy it for at the forest or where you can download it from, plus a
tagline saying 'the forest only uses creative commons music' or
something. I guess all that could be stored in the meta-data of the
music files.

So does anyone know of a FLOSS music player that can run fullscreen,
perhaps but not necessarily displaying some visualisation, and
displaying this information about each track as it plays, either when
the song starts or throughout the track?

The Forest also has a mac, so any free (of cost) mac software would
also be worth knowing about, but proper FLOSS is preferable.


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