Cannot switch to a VT from Xorg using CTRL-ALT-F1

Miles Lane miles.lane at
Sat Mar 11 01:52:56 UTC 2006

On 3/10/06, Stephen R Laniel <steve at> wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 10, 2006 at 01:35:46PM -0800, Miles Lane wrote:
> > For a very long time (months and months) I have been unable to switch
> > away from Xorg to a VT using CTRL-ALT-F[1-6].  AFAICT, all my locale
> > and keyboard settings are okay.  Any suggestions?
> I've had this same problem, too. It started when I used a
> Breezy development build.
> If you do 'sudo chvt 1', you should get your virtual
> terminal. So it's just the keymapping that's changed.

Thanks Stephen!  This does enable me to get to the VTs.  I wish I could
fix gdm to not block me switching, though.  I'll keep trying to figure it out.


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