dapper drake install

Carl Karsten carl at personnelware.com
Sun Mar 5 17:34:31 UTC 2006

Marek Pawinski wrote:
> dave s wrote:
>> On Sunday 05 Mar 2006 13:26, Marek Pawinski wrote:
>>> dave s wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> On my new computer I thought I would do a fresh install of dapper 
>>>> drake.
>>>> I downloaded cd 4 flight. I must say the install has been jazzed up and
>>>> looks good :)
>>>> Anyhow I needed raid so I got to the part where you partition the 
>>>> disks,
>>>> did that and then discovered there is no <continue> button on the
>>>> partitioner, did a <back> the installer moved me on to 'set timezone' I
>>>> selected it but it takes me back to partitioning. I cannot get past
>>>> partitioning no matter what I try.
>>>> Any ideas
>>>> Dave
>>> Did you scroll down with the arrow key ?
>> Sure did, I looked everywhere,  I pressed the finish partitioning & 
>> write to disk button, zip, so I had to press <back>
>> Dave
> That's odd i did the same and it went further, try see if there are any 
> messages in the consoles if you have not done that already, otherwise i 
> am stumpted. Normally gives an error message if the partioning is 
> incorrect.

I have seen this too.  I think it is due to something like no partition selected 
for / or / not marked to be formated.  I am very sure I was able to get past 
just by selecting partitioning options, not going back to timezone or the menu

Carl K

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