Kernel Compilation Woes [was Re: iPod Isssues]

Ylan Segal ylan.segal at
Tue Jun 27 14:18:13 UTC 2006

Brian McKee wrote:
> On 27/06/06, Ylan Segal <ylan.segal at> wrote:
>> Brian McKee wrote:
>> >
>> > 1 - your iPod should work - just tried mine and it does
>> >     (of course, I didn't try it before I rebooted to the new kernel,
>> >      so I'm assuming it wasn't working before, but hey, between the two
>> >      of us we've got it nailed :-)
>> Last night I tried my custom kernel without EFI support, but I am afraid
>> I still report the same problems.
>> When using Gtkpod I can read the iTunes database fine, but when I try to
>> export tracks, it quickly fails. Does it work properly on yours?
> Hmmm, I hadn't tried exporting tracks using gtkpod.  I'll try it tonight.
> I just fired a few files back and forth.

I also encountered the problem using plain old cp, so you can test with
that too. When I tried to copy one file at a time sometimes it hangs on
the first one, sometimes it fails a few files after. Luck of the draw, I

If I tried copying many files at a time (say a whole directory) it was
never more than a few seconds before it hangs.

>> I read again everything on the launchpad bug and there are people there
>> that report that if they plug their iPod directly to their computer,
>> instead of using an USB hub then the problems goes away. I am not using
>> a hub, however, my laptop (Sony Vaio 505 series) has two USB ports, one
>> on each side of the computer. Is it possible that it has a something
>> like an internal hub inside, which is messing me up?
> I haven't read the threads but I'm guessing its unpowered hubs that
> cause problems, not
> just any old hub...  if that's the case your laptop would be fine as
> I'm sure they power those
> ports adequately.

I haven't read anything specific about why it fails with USB hubs. Some
people report that just plugging it in directly fixes the hang-ups.

> If it's a certain problem chipset then I suppose it's possible that
> your laptop would be the issue,
> but I really highly doubt it.

I hope not. I just checked the Sony website and there is no update for
bios or anything like that.


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