Enabling sound

Patrick Drechsler patrick at pdrechsler.de
Thu Jun 22 18:45:14 UTC 2006

Bill Thompson wrote on 20 Jun 2006 23:19:14 MET:

> On Wed, 21 Jun 2006 07:54:34 +1000
> Jean Hollis Weber <jean-ooo at taming-openoffice-org.com> wrote:
>> Daniel Carrera wrote:
>> > Jean Hollis Weber wrote:
>> >> I'm feeling totally stupid right now, because I have been
>> >> unable to get sound working, either through the computer's
>> >> speakers or through a headset. (Both work fine under
>> >> Windows.) The volume control is not muted, and it's set to
>> >> a reasonable level. Is there some other control I need to
>> >> change?
>> > 
>> > Sound should "just work", so I suspect a problem with
>> > Ubuntu. I don't have a solution, but I can think of some
>> > things that might at least give us more information:
> Have you done a security upgrade recently? My upgrade from
> Breezy to Dapper work fine with sound and everything
> else. After a security upgrade on Saturday, I have been unable
> to get any program to play sound on my machine. I have checked
> levels and configuration and they all look good, but no
> sound. I'm thinking it's a Gstreamer issue, but I haven't had
> the time to troubleshoot.

I can confirm the effect that sound is gone after the last
security upgrade (dapper) this weekend.

Any hints?

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