Enabling sound

Laura Conrad lconrad at laymusic.org
Wed Jun 21 12:44:09 UTC 2006

>>>>> "BT" == Bill Thompson <Billt at Mahagonny.com> writes:

    BT> Have you done a security upgrade recently? My upgrade from Breezy to
    BT> Dapper work fine with sound and everything else. After a security
    BT> upgrade on Saturday, I have been unable to get any program to play
    BT> sound on my machine. I have checked levels and configuration and they
    BT> all look good, but no sound. I'm thinking it's a Gstreamer issue, but I
    BT> haven't had the time to troubleshoot.

I had sound working until last weekend, too.  In my case what I
upgraded was the kernel, from linux-image-386 to linux-image-686.  I
have put a little effort into figuring it out, but it hasn't produced
any results.  What I do when this happens on my debian desktop is run
alsaconf, but Ubuntu doesn't seem to package that.

Laura (mailto:lconrad at laymusic.org , http://www.laymusic.org/ )
(617) 661-8097	fax: (501) 641-5011
233 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139

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