
Gary W. Swearingen garys at opusnet.com
Thu Jun 22 17:55:11 UTC 2006

"Christofer C. Bell" <christofer.c.bell at gmail.com> writes:

> as you'll overwrite GRUB with a DOS boot loader (that can only boot
> Windows), but this situation is very very easily recitified.  In this

Maybe in his case, but generally, the DOS boot loader boots the
primary partition marked "bootable", AKA "active".  Appropriate
partition boot sector code can then boot Windows, Linux, BSD, or
whatever.  Windows and BSD install custom code there and/or it
can have grub or lilo code there instead of the MBR.

(The FreeBSD MBR code works very much the same way and some prefer its
simplicity and cleanness, compared to grub, lilo, etc.  It's principle
advancement over the DOS one is that it allows boot-time F1-F5
selection of the partition or a different disk's MBR.)

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