ntpdate start up sequence

Tom Smith tom71713-ubuntu at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 21 19:43:53 UTC 2006

Ubuntu 5.10
ntpdate 4.2.0a

I'm setting up a DNS server that will use itself for name resolution, 
versus using another server. This created a problem with ntpdate.

ntpdate starts from /etc/rcS.d, which loads before bind9 or any other 
non-system services. Because of this, ntpdate is unable to locate the 
time server that it's looking for (since DNS isn't started when it loads).

I haven't been able to find a "clean" way of rectifying this problem (by 
clean, I mean something that won't be undone upon an update, upgrade, or 
reinstall of that service).

Can anyone offer any suggestions for working around this problem?

Thanks in advance for your help!

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