Enabling sound

Daniel Carrera daniel.carrera at zmsl.com
Tue Jun 20 22:07:48 UTC 2006

Jean Hollis Weber wrote:
> A music CD played just fine this morning, through both the laptop's 
> speakers and the earphones, so I strongly suspect user (on my part) 
> error last night. I plead "up well past bedtime" as my excuse. ;-)


> However, I don't get sound out of any websites, using Firefox as 
> shipped with Ubuntu 6.06. Not that I know a good website to use for 
> testing sound; I normally have sound muted on any machine I use.

Well that's firefox. To be honest, I've had trouble getting sound to 
work on Firefox too, and if anyone has a solution I'd be interested to 
hear it. The only pages I've managed to get sound on are the ones with 
Flash sound. On that topic, here are some interesting videos to test 
Firefox flash with: :)


Btw, does Flash work on Firefox for you?

   "The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the
   unreasonable man tries to adapt the world to himself.
   Therefore all progress depends on unreasonable men."
         -- George Bernard Shaw

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