Enabling sound

Jean Hollis Weber jean-ooo at taming-openoffice-org.com
Tue Jun 20 21:54:34 UTC 2006

Daniel Carrera wrote:
> Jean Hollis Weber wrote:
>> I'm feeling totally stupid right now, because I have been unable
>> to get sound working, either through the computer's speakers or 
>> through a headset. (Both work fine under Windows.) The volume control 
>> is not muted, and it's set to a reasonable level. Is there some other 
>> control I need to change?
> Sound should "just work", so I suspect a problem with Ubuntu. I don't 
> have a solution, but I can think of some things that might at least give 
> us more information:

A music CD played just fine this morning, through both the 
laptop's speakers and the earphones, so I strongly suspect user 
(on my part) error last night. I plead "up well past bedtime" as 
my excuse. ;-)

However, I don't get sound out of any websites, using Firefox as shipped with Ubuntu 6.06. Not that I know a good 
website to use for testing sound; I normally have sound muted on 
any machine I use.

Do I need to change something in Firefox (if so, where?) or in 
some config or other file?


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