quick apt command help...(ubuntu rant?)(rant apology)

Derek Broughton news at pointerstop.ca
Fri Jun 16 00:13:48 UTC 2006

ZephyrQ wrote:

> Derek Broughton wrote:
>> ZephyrQ wrote:
>>> Derek Broughton wrote:
>>> When I tried to compile gphoto2 directly, I could not because I didn't
>>> have the compiler (sudo ./configure bailed).
>> sudo aptitude install build-essential
> My apologies, I did not mean to offend.  I went to run this but saw
> that it was going to remove *several* packages (most of them gnome), so
> I canceled it.

Well, that was the point I was trying to make - if you try to install a
package with few dependencies, and pin carefully, you can do it using
non-Ubuntu repos, but if you get into anything with library dependencies,
you'll almost certainly run into compatibility problems.  I'm not at all
offended, I just think you're trying to do something that isn't possible on
_any_ linux distro.  If anyone offended me, it's your buddy who laughed
because he uses SuSE, because I don't think he'd have any more luck doing
the same thing - he just may be fortunate enough to be at a point in the
release cycle that his version of gphoto2 is newer than ours.  That

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