quick apt command help...(ubuntu rant?)
Adriano Varoli Piazza
moranar at gmail.com
Thu Jun 15 17:07:25 UTC 2006
2006/6/15, ZephyrQ <zephyrq at earthlink.net>:
Since you seem to be quite ready to add Debian repos to Ubuntu
(essentially the same as polluting a SuSE installation with Mandriva
packages), I'd try to apt-get install build-essential to get the
compiler, download the sources and install those, at least until you
can get the version you need properly packaged. Yes, it can be a
painful road of dependencies, but in the best case you can apt-get the
devel packages, and in the worst, you compile them.
It's true that this bypasses the normal dependencies system. But you
don't seem too worried about that, and you'll bypass any "idiotic"
apt-get requests.
Adriano Varoli Piazza
The Inside Out: http://moranar.com.ar
ICQ: 4410132
MSN: moranar at gmail.com
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