Encrypted Dapper filesystems?

Pupeno pupeno at pupeno.com
Sat Jun 10 10:49:57 UTC 2006

By the way, what I did was a normall installation to a / partition of
7GB and then, when everything was up and running corretly, I created
another encrypted partition and mounted it on /home.enc/, I copied
everything from /home to /home.enc, unmounted /home.enc and mounted it
on /home/.

On Sat, 2006-06-10 at 11:54 +0200, Pupeno wrote:
> On Fri, 2006-06-09 at 23:19 -0700, Carlos Picazzo wrote:
> > Recently, I've been thinking more seriously about re-installing my
> > laptop and setting up the filesystems on a Dapper install to be
> > encrypted.  Does anyone have any pros/cons/suggestions about doing
> > this?
> Since I bought a notebook I've been running an encrypted filesystem. I
> encrypted /home. I didn't worry about / or swap. What I want to avoid is
> the average script kiddie being able to impersonate me if the have my
> notebook. Encrypting / makes it much harder.
> The only problems I've found with encrypted file system is being able to
> access it when, for example, I started my computer with a LiveCD to do
> some repairing. But that is negligible (compared to the comfort that I
> don't have to store my notebook in a safebox).
> -- 
> Pupeno <pupeno at pupeno.com> http://pupeno.com
Pupeno <pupeno at pupeno.com> http://pupeno.com
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