Mozilla 1.7.13

john levin john at
Wed Jun 7 10:12:59 UTC 2006

Clint Tinsley wrote:
> I need to be able to use latest Mozilla 1.7.13 suite on Dapper 6.0.6 as it is the only email client that seems to work with MSN on linux (implementation of the SA protocol).  Older Thunderbird (pre 1.5) worked but 1.5 and later, including seamonkey, do not with MSN, even though they support the SA (secure authentication) protocol (cannot authenticate to MSN).  When I run the ./mozilla-installer as root, it cannot connect to the display and gives a gtk error (no specifics).  AFAIK, I have resolved all the library issues.  Would appreciate any help that I could get on this.  Thanks.
> Clint

1: Is there any reason for not using the version of mozilla in the 
universe repositories? I know it gives the version number as 1.7.12, I'm 
presuming the security fixes have been backported.

2: Why are you installing as root? You know Ubuntu uses sudo by default? 
My guess is that's where the problem is.



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