how to debug broken hibernate?

Eric Hanchrow offby1 at
Tue Jun 6 16:50:08 UTC 2006

>>>>> "Jaime" == Jaime Davila <jdavila at> writes:

    Jaime> Eric Hanchrow wrote:
    >>>>>>> "Colin" == Colin Brace <cwb at> writes:
    Colin> Hi all, I just installed Dapper on an Acer Aspire 5500Z
    Colin> laptop.  Suspend works fine, but alas hibernate does not;
    >> I might as well pile on -- I have Dapper on a Dell Latitude
    >> C640, and neither hibernate nor suspend works.
    >> * When I try to hibernate, all that happens is: the disk churns
    >> for a few seconds, the screen blanks, and then I see the
    >> "please enter your password" prompt from the screen saver.
    >> * Suspending per se seems to work -- the screen goes dark, and
    >> the various lights on the laptop turn off.  But when I press
    >> the power button, and the machine comes back to life, the
    >> screen is garbled, and the only cure I know of is a reboot.
    >> If it matters, the video card is
    >> ATI Technologies, Inc.  Radeon Mobility 9000 (M7 LW)

    Jaime> Could you provide the contents of /var/log/acpid?  

At the moment, it's

    [Tue Jun  6 09:00:26 2006] starting up
    [Tue Jun  6 09:00:26 2006] 54 rules loaded
    [Tue Jun  6 09:00:28 2006] client connected from 4024[116:116]
    [Tue Jun  6 09:00:28 2006] 1 client rule loaded

But I haven't tried either hibernating nor suspending since I've booted.

    Jaime> After updating from breezy to dapper (not a fresh install)
    Jaime> I could not sleep under kde.  

I too updated to dapper from ... whatever came before (Breezy?  Hoary?
Can't remember).
    Jaime> I then did a fresh install, and tried gnome, which worked.
    Jaime> I'm not sure which desktop you're using.


    # kopt=root=/dev/hda1 ro nosplash quiet resume=/dev/hda5
    Jaime> resume=/dev/hda5 indicates where my swap partition is.

Aha.  I'll try that.  Thanks!

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