how to debug broken hibernate?

Eric Hanchrow offby1 at
Tue Jun 6 16:05:02 UTC 2006

>>>>> "Colin" == Colin Brace <cwb at> writes:

    Colin> Hi all, I just installed Dapper on an Acer Aspire 5500Z
    Colin> laptop.  Suspend works fine, but alas hibernate does not;

I might as well pile on -- I have Dapper on a Dell Latitude C640, and
neither hibernate nor suspend works.

* When I try to hibernate, all that happens is: the disk churns for a
  few seconds, the screen blanks, and then I see the "please enter
  your password" prompt from the screen saver.

* Suspending per se seems to work -- the screen goes dark, and the
  various lights on the laptop turn off.  But when I press the power
  button, and the machine comes back to life, the screen is garbled,
  and the only cure I know of is a reboot.

If it matters, the video card is

        ATI Technologies, Inc. Radeon Mobility 9000 (M7 LW)

... there are any number of partisan Democrats lurking in
engineering departments and liberal moles in software-writing
        -- Molly Ivins

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