Install Dapper to FakeRaid 1?

BoneKracker ulist at
Sun Jun 4 08:41:59 UTC 2006

If there is nothing else on your system (i.e., you're not multibooting
with another non-linux OS), you may want to go with Linux's built-in
softRaid capabilities.  That's currently easier to set up (I'm told). 
That you can get better help with from someone else.

If you do want to go with the hardware (fakeRaid) approach...

First, I've done some editing to the FakeRaidhowto that clarifies grub
stuff and makes some other parts easier to understand.  If you haven't
looked at that in the last day or so, try that.

Also, the installer disks don't load dmraid for their own use -- you
have to go get it to use during the install.  What you might have seen
was the messages that scroll by during boot-up after you finish your
install that let you know what initscripts are running).

Also, can you explain why you're trying to put GRUB on your flash
drive?  Once you get the RAID mapped and partitioned, you'll install
GRUB onto the RAID itself.  That howto is about how to boot from a


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