dapper custom keyboard shortcuts

Antonio tritemio at gmail.com
Fri Jun 2 17:28:15 UTC 2006

Hi to the list,

Today I've installed ubuntu 6.06. I'm not able to set some custom
shortcuts to start some arbitrary programs or shell scripts I'm used

In debian etch (and in breezy too IIRC) with the gconf-editor I set the keys:


(where X is a number 1-12) to some custom commands, and the corresponding:


keys to some shortcuts.

In dapper these gconf keys are not present, and even creating them
from scratch the custom shortcuts do not work.

Does anyone else sees can reproduce the problem? Is there any know workaround?

I find very limiting to not being able to set a shortcut for a program :-/

Any help is appreciated.


  ~ Antonio

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