Installed Ubuntu next steps

Mario Vukelic mario.vukelic at
Tue Jul 18 06:27:59 UTC 2006

On Tue, 2006-07-18 at 05:45 +0100, tuxcantfly wrote:
> by the way, if you really want the latest and the greatest, use the
> edgy, not the dapper repositories.  

Please do not recommend to newcomers to use Edgy at this point. Look at
the latest Edgy announcement on the devel-announce list:

Please note that is, among other stuff, says "With the upstream churn in
Edgy settling down, we can start to introduce our own breakage." And
this is not entirely a joke.

Last time I looked, a few days ago, Edgy wouldn't even boot with the
default kernel. If someone is interested in running Edgy now, I would
highly recommend a spare machine or, if you have enough RAM, run it
inside a vmware virtual machine.

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