So, we're up to 180MB in updates.

José Paulo Matafome Oleiro matafomeoleiro at
Sat Jul 15 16:45:18 UTC 2006

Why don't strat a way of getting the updates on CD every 2 months If
people want (or create wireless networks with local rapositorys of the
updates, that people can access only the repository) it's a good way to
help other people. Or if that person don't live in the area were this
wireless networks can be created, someone could send the cd to that
person, and that person may only pay the price of the mail and the cost
of the medium. I think this is a good idea, and can be applied to the
repositorys with the other programas that people don't have by default
on Ubuntu and need to install later. For example my apt cache has 3.6GB
of files. And I'm providing access to my local network for wireless and
people can connect to my pc using apt-proxy.

Dom, 2006-07-16 às 01:51 +0930, squareyes escreveu:

> Kent Borg wrote:
> > On Fri, Jul 14, 2006 at 04:25:50PM +0700, Chanchao wrote:
> >   
> >> ' Had to change over to a new laptop... Always love installing Ubuntu..
> >>
> >> Turns out though that, starting from a new CD, we're up to 180MB of
> >> updates right after installation.
> >>     
> >
> >   
> Hi all,
> personally, the phone lines here are not all they could be, and I am 
> greatfull
> for the regular releases of Ubuntu, and use those as my method of updating.
> Unfortunately 180 meg would take me some considerable time. Had enough 
> problems
> with apt-get update sources list, everything getting "broken" and not 
> getting an updated sources list.
> An interim CD would be a great idea, I could at least get someone to 
> download and write a copy.
> Take Care
> Winton
> Light travels faster than sound. That is why some people appear
> bright... until you hear them speak.

José Oleiro aka Matafome (#computers at
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