Why is OpenOffice slow?

Arjun Shankar arjunsha at gmail.com
Mon Jul 3 03:57:08 UTC 2006

Martin said:

> What is the spec of your laptop. If your laptop is slower than the
> windows machines you tried Open Office on, then Open Office will run
> slow on the laptop.

My notebook is a Dothan Centrino (1.4GHz with 2MB cache), and
reasonably fast RAM. The Windows boxes are old P4s, with little cache,
slow RAM, and 1.5GHz CPUs. Mine should be faster.

> If your laptop is a modern machine, you might try installing the
> linux-686 package and booting into the new kernel.

I'll do that! Though I don't really think that speeds up the system
all that much. In fact, maybe I should recompile the kernel for the
Pentium M arch, plus get rid of a lot of extra flab that the kernel
probably carries around; which I found very easy on my old Fedora
install. Somehow, things seem to screw up each time I try compiling on

Arjun Shankar

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