cd burner for enhanced cds

Sasha Tsykin stsykin at
Mon Jan 30 14:44:07 UTC 2006

Adam Lafayette wrote:
> Anyone no of some cd burning software for gnu/linux
> that will make enhanced cds.
> Enhanced cds are regular audio cds that also have a
> data section.  This is different than a mixed mode cd.
> I used it for cds for my band.  We burn our music to
> enhanced cd so it can be played on most standard cd
> players and also the mp3s versions of the songs  can
> be accessed from a computer.
> I'm sure nero could do this if I got the linux version
> but I'm looking for something you don't have to pay for.
nero probably couldn't, it's linux version is bad, hard to use, feature 
limited, and much worse than k3b in every way.
> Adam Lafayette  N1ZGG   atomlbomb at

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