change beginning of week to Sunday
email.listen at
email.listen at
Sun Jan 29 17:17:38 UTC 2006
Am Sun, 29. January 2006 15:10 schrieb Jeff C:
> Hello,
> Is it possible to change the small monthly calendar to have the first
> day of the week to Sunday, and not Monday?
> When I right click on my clock and select "Adjust Date & Time". The first
> day of the week on my displayed calendar is Monday. (This is also seen
> when I left-click on the clock. "tasks" frame and "calendar" frame pop
> up.)
> Just to let you know, i thought this "Monday is 1st day" setting was
> global on my ubuntu. but i checked other programs (e.g Evolution). Evo
> has Sunday as 1st day.
> If you know how to change calendar to have 1st day of the week as
> Sunday, please let me know.
> Thank you very much.
There is a bug report:
Bug #29192 in gnome-panel (upstream): "clock-applet, week starts at tuesday
not monday"
Fix Requested In Status Severity Assigned To
gnome-panel (upstream) Unconfirmed Normal —
Request fix: + Upstream… + In Distribution…
Clock-applet 2.13.5 [dapper] shows a week from tuesday to monday and not from
monday to sunday as before.
Could it be due to the circuimstance that Evolution 2.5.5 [dapper] don't allow
to set a beginning of the week anymore?
Re: clock-applet, week starts at tuesday not monday Posted by Tim Fuchs at
2006-01-22 16:00:05 CET
I have the same problem.
But I think this isn't a problem of the panel. It's either a bug in the clock
applet itself (gnome-applets) or in evolution-data-server. In evolution
itself, weeks begin on monday like they should.
Re: [Bug 29192] clock-applet, week starts at tuesday not monday Posted by Mark
Shuttleworth at 2006-01-22 16:48:46 CET
Tim Fuchs wrote:
> But I think this isn't a problem of the panel. It's either a bug in the
> clock applet itself (gnome-applets) or in evolution-data-server. In
> evolution itself, weeks begin on monday like they should.
I don't have it here, running a current Dapper desktop.
Re: clock-applet, week starts at tuesday not monday Posted by coastgnu at
2006-01-22 17:42:18 CET
- It's Language specific
Setting the language in gdm brings:
POSIX/C Sat - Fri
English UK Sun - Sat
German DE Di - Mo (Tue - Mon)
Dutch NL ma - zo (Mon - Sun)
- Didn't test all flavours of DE, NL, EN nor other language settings so far. -
Evolution don't set the starting day of the week anymore.
Gnome evolution-2.6 2.5.5
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