Java, Flash & Acrobat with Firefox.

James Gray james at
Thu Jan 26 23:07:53 UTC 2006

On Fri, 27 Jan 2006 02:10, Richard Dennis Colbert Jr wrote:
> Thanks to Ubuntu I can now say I love OPEN SOURCE, just wish I could
> program some more cool shit for the community.

Hi Richard,

This is a common misconception.  You don't need to be a hacker in order to 
contribute!  There's documentation that needs writing/translating, newbies 
that need helping, bugs that need reporting, software that needs testing, 
etc, etc. If you want to get into programming, go for it!  But IMHO the 
biggest asset to the open source world is the "community": people sharing 
*whatever* skills they have for the benefit of others - not just access to 
the source code.

You figured out flash and Acrobat - awesome!  Write up a blog entry 
somewhere so Google et al can index it for the next newbie :)  Once you get 
into open source it's a whole new world of opportunities to be actively 
involved in the development of the software YOU use.

Consider this scenario: you want a new feature in program "X"?  E-mail the 
developers and then when/if it's added, test it for them.  Then when it's 
all debugged, document it so others can use it too.  Bingo - you just 
contributed meaningfully to Free/Open-Source Software!


vuja de:
	The feeling that you've *never*, *ever* been in this situation before.
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