How can I creat a mialbox for Mutt?

Anders Karlsson trudheim at
Thu Jan 19 08:26:01 UTC 2006

On 1/19/06, YangPeng Ou <ouyan498 at> wrote:
> I install the Mutt on my computer with Ubuntu Breezy yesteday.
> When I open it first ( $mutt), the program ask me for whether I creat directory
> Mail, I agree. However, the program report that there is no /var/mail/p
> exiting(error2)

Ok, so there is no mailspool for your user 'p' yet.

> So I creat a directory /var/mail/p, and open Mutt again, but it report /var/mail/p
> is not a mailbox...
> How can I deal with it?

/var/mail is a place the user should avoid tinkering with as it will
break things. /var/mail/p should be a file, with certain permissions
and ownership, and the mail system will create it when user 'p'
receives mail.
Remove the directory you have created and as root send a mail to
'p at localhost' and the file should get created correctly.
Alternatively, ignore the warning as it is just that, a warning that
the user not yet has received any mail into the mailspool.


Anders Karlsson <trudheim at>

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