Well, Windows is back on the disk.

Sasha Tsykin stsykin at gmail.com
Tue Jan 17 10:56:09 UTC 2006

J.Markoll wrote:

> Lonn a écrit :
>> In the initial 'user' stages WINDOWS is easiest and most
>> functional. In the later stages of learning and experience, Linux is 
>> still
>> difficult, but offers more freedom because users are forced to learn 
>> much of
>> its structure and functionality -- which they can then turn to better
>> advantage than is possible with MS products.
>> Lonn
> Not necessarily! I started whith Windows because no Linux are available
> in the boxes I think.
> As I has almost no training preceedingly, the problems started very 
> fast, and I hated having to wait days and days for the man who sold me 
> the machine, I hated staring at him while he was browsing in the 
> system doing things that I couldn't understand and reproduce.
> So one can start from scratch at once on Linux, the only thing to 
> succeed is to find fast the right documentation, the right virtual 
> places to get help, and/or a good book really thought for starting 
> people (with no dum titles prefered).
> When more computer will be sold with Linux distributions/or dual boot,
> this will be nice. Some places started selling with Mandrake, btw. (In 
> some hypermarkets).
> No Ubuntu Linux available in the boxes ?!
> That's a bug! Should I report it ? :)
> Best greetings, Joyce Markoll.
There are of course windows horror stories, but the vast majority of 
times, it is more polished and tends to be easier both to set up and use.


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