Well, Windows is back on the disk.

Arlen Christian Mart Cuss celtic at sairyx.org
Sun Jan 15 12:59:12 UTC 2006

Michael T. Richter wrote:

> I've given it an honest try being pure-Ubuntu, but the fact is Ubuntu 
> is nowhere near ready for that.  Mysterious hardware and software 
> failures (half-)solved by Mystic Incantations so typical of 
> UNIX-derived systems are emphatically *not* what a modern desktop 
> should be based upon.
> The big killer, in the end, was multimedia.  Ubuntu's handling of 
> sound and video is flatly unacceptable.  The whole point of me wanting 
> to watch a movie is my enjoyment, not to further increase the 
> frustration of a day.  Under Windows I double-click on a file and it 
> plays.  The sound goes to where I want it.  The video goes to where I 
> want it.  Everything just works.  On very rare situations -- usually 
> when some new fad hits the scene -- I have to download a codec to make 
> things work.  In such cases, however, it's similarly trivial.  I 
> Google on the codec.  I download and run it.  And then everything works.
> The Ubuntu experience -- and keep in mind that I think Ubuntu is the 
> best Linux distro I've come across! -- is almost diametrically 
> opposed.  Using the same hardware I get mysterious, random switching 
> between sound cards -- when I get sound at all.  I get AC3-encoded 
> files not working at all.  I get some files (or programs, for that 
> matter) that will only work on one sound card and if that sound card 
> (ironically the one with less capability!) is disabled not working at 
> all.  All of this behaviour is "documented" solely by lore through a 
> thinly-attached web of gurus who have the information in their heads 
> but seem completely unwilling to spend the time to put it down in a 
> coherent format once, favouring instead answering the same questions 
> repeatedly and at length.
> Ubuntu still has a prominent place in my computer.  It is not ready 
> for a mass audience yet, but I still hold out some hope for it.  Just 
> not a lot.
> *Michael T. Richter*
> /Email:/ ttmrichter at gmail.com, mtr1966 at hotpop.com
> /MSN:/ ttmrichter at hotmail.com, mtr1966 at hotmail.com; /YIM:/ 
> michael_richter_1966; /AIM:/ YanJiahua1966; /ICQ:/ 241960658; 
> /Jabber:/ mtr1966 at jabber.cn
You'd at least think that you could follow the list instructions and not 
use `reply' to another email on list in order to send a new one?

 - Arlen.

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