Well, Windows is back on the disk.

Duncan Lithgow duncan at lithgow-schmidt.dk
Sun Jan 15 12:42:15 UTC 2006

Giorgos wrote:

>On Sun, 2006-01-15 at 07:33 +0800, Michael T. Richter wrote:
>>I've given it an honest try being pure-Ubuntu, but the fact is Ubuntu
>>is nowhere near ready for that.  Mysterious hardware and software
>>failures (half-)solved by Mystic Incantations so typical of
>>UNIX-derived systems are emphatically not what a modern desktop should
>>be based upon.
>Could you take some time to report all the bugs you found at
>https://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bugs ? 
Well, at least some of them. It's only fair if you think that Ubuntu is 
basically pretty good that you give a few bug reports back.


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