New news from the land of the community council

Dennis Kaarsemaker dennis at
Tue Jan 10 20:56:07 UTC 2006

Today was the first CC meeting after the christmas break. It was a
meeting with nothing but new member candidates. We saw seven valuable
additions to the ever filling Ubuntu ship. Welcome all!

* Fabio Nogueira and Lucas Duailibe are rocking hard in the brazilian 
  LoCoTeam. Documentation, Translation etc. Very good work, the CC is 
  happy to have them on board.
* Lorenzo Sfarra is one of the main forces behind Ubuntu IT. Again hard 
  work in translations and documentation. He has also been rewarded 
  with Ubuntu membership and really deserves it.
* Brian Burger (Yes, related to Corey) is an enthoustiastic newcomer to 
  Linux, he has been using it since May and has been actively 
  contributing to IRC and the wiki ever since. Welcome Brian!
* Michael Banck (aka Ben Affleck aka Josh Hartnett), long time Debian 
  Developer, had no problem at all in convincing the Community Council 
  that he will be a valuable contribution to the Ubuntu and more 
  specifically the MOTU science team.
* Raphaƫl "Wikipage with TOC" Pinson returned after 2 months to apply
  again for membership. Since his last attempt he has been very busy in
  MOTU land and can now finally call himself a member.
* Brian Shumate has been working with the documentation team and so far 
  has produces great wikipages and patches to existing work. Keep up  
  this high quality!

The next meeting of the community council will be on:
Tue. Jan. 24, 21:00 UTC

Dennis K.
  - Linux for human beings:
  - Linux voor iedereen:
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