BlueZ: is there such a thing as documentation?

Michael Richter ttmrichter at
Sat Jan 7 17:29:50 UTC 2006

I'm trying to get my Bluetooth devices (a headset, a mouse and a phone) to
connect to my newly-made Ubuntu system.  I'm basically stuck.  Is there some
documentation on how to go about doing this?  Flailing around at random
based on half-written, half-complete and mostly out of date HOWTOs isn't
helping at all.

I've got my phone talking to my dongle.  I've added my computer to my
phone's pairings.  (For some reason I can't change the PIN --
/etc/bluetooth/pin has my PIN in it, but I could only pair when I used the
default PIN of 1234.  I don't feel like grepping the whole file system to
see where it's getting 1234 from....)

Now what?

I can't figure out what to do from here.  Under Windows I had a GUI app that
allowed me to do all sorts of wonderful things including file transfers,
using my phone as a mouse (!), sychronising contact databases and to-do
lists, etc.  How do I go about getting this kind of functionality in Ubuntu?
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