Xubuntu and WiFi Madness (version 6.10)

John Dangler jdangler at atlantic.net
Thu Dec 21 07:50:00 UTC 2006

On Thu, 2006-12-21 at 08:23 +0100, Carsten Aulbert wrote:
> Irena and Richard Jenkins wrote:
> > When I came to do the upgrade, my wifi card was recognised ... and I thought 
> > that this was going to be easy.  Wrong!!  My network manager stubbornly 
> > refuses to 'see' a wireless interface ... and so I cannot bring it up.  
> > Various attempts to bring up the ath0 interface have failed ... and I have 
> > come to a brick wall.
> > Has anyone else got past this little problem??
> I had some issues with the madwifi driver for Atheros cards with edgy as
> well. For it helped to install the latest driver from madwifi.org.
> Maybe you want to give it a shot.
> Carsten
> PS: However, my problem was a little bit different. I was able to see a
> lot of networks, but association with the AP sometimes failed (probably
> due to a timing problem)
I'm running ipw2100 on Dapper 6.06 LTS.  I can see my wireless network
fine, but that's it.  Whether in Static or DHCP mode, regardless of the
gateway address... sees the ESSID, and nothing else.  And yet, I've been
on the road for 6 weeks in 5 different locations across the country, and
it worked like a champ in all locations using DHCP except 1, where I
basically 'borrowed' one of their IP addresses to get in...

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