ubuntu-users Digest, Vol 28, Issue 117 (System info. ram, hardisk...)

Carsten Aulbert carsten at welcomes-you.com
Fri Dec 15 18:44:57 UTC 2006

Hi Ralph,

in case you meant me (which was not clear to me by top-posting the

Ralph O. schrieb:
> Carsten!
> To get information about your computer. I'l advise you to run windows,&
> open the help & support cenre, type memory in the search box 'n' click
> get information about my computer. There, you'll find the ram, hardisk
> hdd space 'n' all that. If this is not what you're looking for, hit me
> back 'n' be more elaborate & specific and I'll advise you.

(1) I don't have windows except on a single computer I own
(2) for most hardware information this is more than enough (and
sometimes redundent)
  (a) lshw
  (b) smartmontools
  (c) hdparm
  (d) lm-sensors
  (e) what was this ECC memory testing thingy again... starts with an e
  (f) /proc
  (g) /sys
  (h) lspci
  (i) lsusb
(3) For example what I'm currently looking for is a tool, telling me,
what kind of memory resides in which memory slot, plus telling me the
content of the SPD, but I have not yet looked extensively. If you happen
to know about this (under Linux), I'd appreciate any help.



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