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Adriano Varoli Piazza moranar at
Fri Dec 15 16:12:02 UTC 2006

On 12/15/06, Anthony Gardner <cyclewood_ltd at> wrote:
> this is my last top post on the subject. (never been asked to stop that b4
> but whatever)

There's a first time for everything.

> if ubuntu could come up with a common update / package manager that behaves
> the same on all distos  ... kudos. I'd use it ........ you don't have to.

It's there: apt-get. or smart, perhaps. I'm not joking. Oh, you want a
similar _GUI_, that does TheRightThing(TM)? That's something else.

> sorry if i've upset anyone with this post and, just an aside, i doubt if

If/When I'm offended or upset by your posts, I'll let you know. As for
others, I can't answer for them, obviously.

> i'll be going to any parties where we stand around talking/joking about the
> diff between pkg managers on ubuntu.

I wish I understood what this mailing list has to do with that, but I don't.

Adriano Varoli Piazza
The Inside Out:
MSN - GTalk - Jabber: moranar at
ICQ: 4410132

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