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Adriano Varoli Piazza moranar at
Fri Dec 15 15:49:26 UTC 2006

(Aside: you keep on top-posting. Kindly, stop).

On 12/15/06, Anthony Gardner <cyclewood_ltd at> wrote:
> I understand what both of you are saying but you're missing the point that
> I'm trying to make.
> I personally use the command line so this discussion doesn't bother me
> ............ but not everyone does.
> My main point is, why does update-manager tell me things that adpet doesn't.

update-manager tells you different things because it's not the same program.

> whatever distro you use, the info it tells us should be the same. So, if I

This is a nice joke to tell at parties, thanks for it. Yes, in an
ideal world, KDE, GNOME and other programs _should_ give you the same
information. However, implementation details aren't ideal, and
sometimes don't.

> use update-manager on kubuntu, it shouldn't be telling me that linux-headers
> are unauthenticated. The same engine should be used by all *ubuntu distros
> and by all means have a different gui for whatever DM you use.

The same engine _is_ used by all 'buntus: apt-get. The
"unauthenticated repositories" doesn't appear because it's created by
the GUI, it's something apt-get passes to the GUI, unless they've
managed to seriously fsck up things in Kubuntu (don't use it, can't
tell) and implement YAPM. I doubt it, since AdePT rings a faint "apt"
bell. That the GUI decides whether to tell you or not is quite another

Are you sure it's the linux-headers package that's not authenticated,
and not some other repository there? Because I'd bet it's some
different repo that's showing there, and that you don't have in

Adriano Varoli Piazza
The Inside Out:
MSN - GTalk - Jabber: moranar at
ICQ: 4410132

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