When do you turn off your Ubuntu boxes?

Matt Price matt.price at utoronto.ca
Fri Dec 1 03:42:41 UTC 2006

On Thu, 2006-30-11 at 18:17 -0500, Peter Hummers wrote:
> I found this on Digg, about the energy-saving aspects of turning 
> computers off when not in use (/not/ about the software, which is 
> Windows only):
> http://preview.tinyurl.com/yk9lqr
> On Un*x, I've always left my computer on overnight (actually, for months 
> at a time) to let cron do its housekeeping, but I see that Ubuntu 
> installs anacron, which will complete the same tasks according to time 
> elapsed since the last instance, not absolute time (i.e. 15:00).
> How often do you all turn off your desktop Ubuntu boxes?

well, I use suspend2, so my computer actually hibernates
unproblematically...  I turn my computer off whenever I'm done with what
I'm doing, unless I'm downloading somethng or ripping/burning some dvd
that's taking forever.  I ought to have some script check that nothing's
happening and hibernate or suspend-2-ram whenever the computer is idle
-- boot times are about 8 seconds when resuming from ram, 35 seconds
when resuming from disk, so the frustration of restart is substantially

> -- 
> Peter Hummers
> ==
> Peter Hummers covers entertainment events on, and about,
> the Outer Banks of North Carolina at Outer Banks Onstage
> http://phummers.typepad.com/obxonstage
Matt Price
History Dept
University of Toronto
matt.price at utoronto.ca
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