Need help with "unsupported" wireless card

jruschme ulist at
Sun Aug 27 00:32:04 UTC 2006

I have a slightly oddball wireless PC Card which I picked up from
TigerDirect a few years ago. It is a variant of the Zcom XI-300, a
PrismII-based 802.11b card which, when recognized, works nicely using
the orinoco_cs driver.

The problem with this card is that it has a device-id different from
the more normal XI-300 card and, as a result, is not normally in the
list of supported devices.

Under hoary and breezy, I was able to get the card recognized by adding
the following to /etc/pcmcia/config:

card "ZCOMAX XI-300 LAN/AP card"

#version " ", "IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN/AP Card"

manfid 0xd601, 0x0003

bind "orinoco_cs"

Unfortunately, this does not work under dapper due, I assume, to the
move to pcmciautils.

So, two questions:

1. How can I make an equivalent configuration addition under dapper
to have this card recognized?

2. Does anyone know how I could submit this device to some upstream
maintainer so that it will be supported OOTB by future releases?




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