help with second harddrive

Alan Mckinnon alan at
Wed Aug 23 11:43:10 UTC 2006

On Wed, 2006-08-23 at 23:00 +1200, Brendon wrote:
> Alan Mckinnon wrote:

> > 1. Did you just install dapper and now can't see the other disk? If so,
> > what did you do to be able to get as far as you did? What was the set up
> > before - how was the disk partitioned, and what was on each partition?
> >
> >   
> i installed the harddrive then installed dapper again only had one 
> harddrive in my machine i then added another as a slave(on the first ide 
> bus)  then when i opened computer from the places menu the drive shows 
> up but i can't access it i have checked the cables and they are all ok  
> this is the error that i get
> unable to mount the selected volume
> details
> already mounted to /

That's why it won't let you see it - the icon you clicked corresponds to
the part of the disk currently mounted at /. So when you list the files
at / you are looking at that drive.

> could not pmount
> i opened up the disk  manager  and entered / (trying to get the root of 
> the second drive not the root of the master drive)

No, that won't work - "/" is a very specific directory, it's the start
of the entire filesystem. You can't go and look at the "/" directory of
a drive because there's no such thing, it only applies to the start
directory of the filesystem on a running machine. Perhaps you are
getting confused with that bizarre system Windows uses of a "C:/"

> what can i do

Step 1 is to get more educated on how the Linux filesystem. Somewhere in
the Ubuntu docs there is a document that describes it - it's in the
menus. Go find it and read :-)

The gist of it is that you have to find out what Linux calls the device
you want to access. Some more questions I need answers for:

Did you fdisk/create a filesystem/format the new drive?
In a terminal, run these commands and post the output they give:

sudo fdisk -l
sudo df -h
sudo mount

When it asks for a password, supply your own password.


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