help with second harddrive

Brendon brendontoogood at
Wed Aug 23 11:00:44 UTC 2006

Alan Mckinnon wrote:
> On Wed, 2006-08-23 at 21:58 +1200, Brendon wrote:
>> hi all i am in need of help  i have installed a fresh copy of dapper as 
>> i did a rearrange of my hardware the problem is now i can't access my 
>> second hdd ubuntu see it there but just won't let me access it
> Hi Brendon,
> You haven't provided enough information for us to truly help you. What
> are you trying to do?
> 1. Did you just install dapper and now can't see the other disk? If so,
> what did you do to be able to get as far as you did? What was the set up
> before - how was the disk partitioned, and what was on each partition?
i installed the harddrive then installed dapper again only had one 
harddrive in my machine i then added another as a slave(on the first ide 
bus)  then when i opened computer from the places menu the drive shows 
up but i can't access it i have checked the cables and they are all ok  
this is the error that i get
unable to mount the selected volume
already mounted to /
could not pmount

i opened up the disk  manager  and entered / (trying to get the root of 
the second drive not the root of the master drive)
what can i do


> 2. Did you have an pre-dapper ubuntu installed and made a second
> installation on the same machine, now you are having trouble using it?
> 3. Something else?
> Provide as much data as you can, the question you did ask is as hard to
> answer as this one: "How long is a piece of string?"
> alan

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