help with second harddrive

Alan Mckinnon alan at
Wed Aug 23 10:44:00 UTC 2006

On Wed, 2006-08-23 at 21:58 +1200, Brendon wrote:
> hi all i am in need of help  i have installed a fresh copy of dapper as 
> i did a rearrange of my hardware the problem is now i can't access my 
> second hdd ubuntu see it there but just won't let me access it

Hi Brendon,

You haven't provided enough information for us to truly help you. What
are you trying to do?

1. Did you just install dapper and now can't see the other disk? If so,
what did you do to be able to get as far as you did? What was the set up
before - how was the disk partitioned, and what was on each partition?

2. Did you have an pre-dapper ubuntu installed and made a second
installation on the same machine, now you are having trouble using it?

3. Something else?

Provide as much data as you can, the question you did ask is as hard to
answer as this one: "How long is a piece of string?"


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