Using Ubuntu absolves the user of personal responsibility?

Todd Slater dontodd at
Fri Aug 4 11:16:55 UTC 2006

On 8/4/06, Paul Puschmann <lnx at> wrote:
> Todd Slater <dontodd at> schrieb am Thu, Aug 03, 2006 at 09:17:52AM -0400:
> > I read, with some sadness, the thread on mounting an ISO as a virtual
> > cd-rom. It appears that pointing someone to a web search or man page
> > is no longer considered a helpful response.

> Thank you for this wonderful thread.
> And especially thanks to Michael T. Richter, who opened the
> "Alexander-bashing" with false-quoting!
> I think bashing someone who answeres posts is not the right since
> _EVERYONE_ can create an answer that is mor polite, correct or
> whatever.
> You can't blame Alexander for answering, but you (two) should be
> blamed for not-answering and creating this thread.
> I will unsubscribe this list next week because some of the members
> just suck.

As they say, don't let the (virtual) door hit your ass on the way out!

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