Using Ubuntu absolves the user of personal responsibility?
Gilles Gravier
Gilles at
Thu Aug 3 14:00:12 UTC 2006
So Michael got the spirit of the response, though not the words. :)
I really think that in many cases, giving the immediate answer helps a lot.
Let's be realistic, many of the Ubuntu users don't really WANT to be
techies... Ubuntu is "Linux for human beings"... not for geeks.
So don't try to make a geek out of every user who asks a question. Those
who want to be geeks, once they see the mount -t iso9660... answer will
go and man mount to learn more.
I think it is important that in the non geek population of people who
try out Ubuntu (instead of Windows), we make their life easier... Not
their study of Linux, some of them don't care, just as they don't care
how the internals of Windows XP tick... so giving the immediate answer
let's them continue happily with their test of Ubuntu (instead of giving
them the message of "you can't find it by yourself, so go back to
Windows" - which they might).
We want more people on Linux... and yes, newbies as well. In fact, the
more newbies on Linux, the more we get newbie questions that help us
make Linux a more newbie and grandmother friendly operating system. No
way am I going back to Yggdrasil.
Oh.... and... as Michael points out... if you do find a newbie question
irritating, why not take a deep breath, and let somebody less irritated
by it answer it. While I certainly find that when you go into details
your posts here are extremely valuable, I would prefer less drama and
more direct help to the newer users. Let them learn at their pace.
Alexander Skwar wrote:
> Gilles Gravier <Gilles at>:
>> Alexander, appart from the "you moron" addition,
> Exactly. And that's the important addition which Michael made up.
> Now, I don't think that the OP is a moron, but I *DO* think that
> it is right and just to expect that people first google. That
> really should be a given.
>> whcih I don't really
>> remember as being in the post Michael refers to, the answer #1 was texto
>> what you said.
> Nope, it wasn't. I expressed my wonder, if the OP actually did Google
> and then pointed the user to the exact spot, were information can
> be found (ie. "man mount" and then search for "loop").
>> Not being home, I can't find the archived mail, but I am sure one here can.
> eg.
> Alexander Skwar
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